Monday, August 16, 2010

The 3 Musketeers & Popcycles in the Bath

Tyler is such a lucky guy to grow up with two of the cutest kids around. Tyler has not been blessed with a little brother or sister yet, so I'm so glad he has Wyatt and Avery as his Best Buddy and "girlfriend." I think of the Joyce's as family and have loved all the memories we have created and know there are a lot more to come. Wouldn't it just be perfect if Tyler and Avery ended up together when they were older... they have sooo many cute pictures together! Ty's always making all the moves! LOL Here they are at Disneyland during the Holidays and making some yummy Christmas treats!
Lisa is one of the most creative Moms I know... Popcycles in the Bath!
Too cute for words!

It's Christmas time at Disneyland!

One of the best things we got out of our wedding was our Disneyland annual passes. I used my Chase Disney Credit Card to pay for everything and earned enough "Disney Dollars" to purchase two annual passports for Bud and I. I would suggest every mom who loves Disneyland to get one of these cards. I use this card like its my debit card for everything.. and at the end of each month we earn about $40 Disney Dollars!
I think I enjoy Disneyland more than Tyler does! There is nothing like the Magic Kingdom to brighten up a bad day at work... so I found myself making a trip almost once a week. We especially loved it when daddy had a night off and would join us! Our good friends the Joyce's also had passes too so Ty and his BFF Wyatt would have a blast together! You can't have a good Holiday Season without making a trip to Disneyland! I loooove it! Here are some fun pictures from our visits...

We loved when our BFFs the Joyce's met us at the Happiest Place on Earth (it's only happy when its not crowded!)

Thanksgiving 2009

Like I said... I want to catch everyone up on what the Smith's have been up to this past year so I thought I would start with one of my favorite holidays... Thanksgiving! It was an amazing thanksgiving for our family but a difficult one for me. It was my first Thanksgiving without my Grandma (or my mom) at the dinner table. My Grandma was not well enough to leave her assisted living home to join us for dinner & my mom decided to work double over time! We had a wonderful time visiting my grandma at her home but it was really hard for me to leave to make it to Nini and Marci's for dinner on time.

Dinner was AMAZING... Marci is one of the best cooks I know so I wasn't expecting anything less. I was a little drugged up on allergy medicine since I'm SUPER allergic to Nini's cat, but Bud and Tyler had a great time playing and laughing and it turned out to be a wonderful night!

Visiting Grandma Ava...
Off to Nini & Marci's for a yummy dinner!
Marci did a great job with the centerpieces!
Vern cutting the Turkey!
Nothing like a bowl of cereal after dinner with Grandma!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's Halloween Time!

I think I will always be a kid at heart and probably enjoy these fun holidays more than Tyler does! Bud purchased me my first "Big Time Camera" in October so I had a lot of fun capturing this holiday! We spent time at the pumpkin patch, Disneyland, went costume shopping with Wyatt and Avery and had a fantastic time on Halloween attending Wyatt's Super Hero Birthday Party! It was so much fun and I loved how Wyatts uncles and family got into the theme and dressed up to! By the time it was time to go trick-or-treating the kids were pooped! We went to a couple of houses and took a wagon ride to the near by park. But they were done from all the excitement of the party. Can't wait to dress Ty up this year and do it all again!

We took a visit to the patch with the BFFs and Tyler never misses an opportunity to make the moves on Avery! LOL
Wyatt's Birthday is on Halloween Day and we had a blast at his Super Hero party!
Wyatt's uncles dressed up and made the party so much fun! The kids looooved it!

Where does Tyler get his smooth moves!? Love Wyatts face! Priceless!
Grandma Linda came to have fun too!
Happy Birthday Wyatt!
By the time it was time to go trick-or-treating the kiddos were pooped!
And they're OUT!

Such a Fun Halloween! Can't wait to pick out Tyler's costume for this one month! Man I'm behind!